** Bit of a BIG week for me in the gaming the department, though it still feels like I have not done a whole lot...
- I guess Lini had it easy last week, as the "Approach to Thistletop" ended up killing her! It started off rough, and did not improve at all! Since I was going to be attacking a Goblin Fortress, I used only monsters with the Goblin trait in my deck, and ended having to increase to difficulty to defeat goblins by 4 due the scenario special rules. (I rolled a 4). Needless to say, I never even made it out the woods, with 3 failed combats in a row! Bummer, I liked Lini, but I think I may give Amiri a try....
- Tried to run Amiri through the Brigandoom scenario, but she utterly failed... TWICE! Sorry Amiri, but if you can't even handle lowly bandits, then you are not gonna work for me! I let my daughter pick my next character (with a bit of nudging) and she picked Seelah the Paladin...
- Finished painting my Corollary and Optifex Directive unit for WM/H...
- Tore apart ALL of my Star Wars LCG decks, and have built new ones. On the darkside, I have a Navy TIE/Capital ship deck, I also have a more Sith-centric Trooper deck, and a Bounty Hunter's Guild deck. On the lightside, I'm experimenting with a Han/Chewie/Falcon/ Weapon deck I call the "Weapon Smugglers", and I'm also running a Rebel/Renegade Squadron Vehicle deck. I have not bought any force packs in such a long time, so I'm kind of limited on what I can use...
- Played a game of Rampage with my daughter...
- Back to playing the Pathfinder ACG, Seelah barely eeked it out alive of the Brigandoom scenario. Not sure why I have been struggling so much on that one lately...

- Been working on my 40k stuff. I painted up my Imperial Fist rhino to be a chaos one. I've also been putting together and converting up the models from the DV box. Say what you want about GW's corporate policies, and 40k as a game, but I must say that I have truly enjoyed putting these models together! (which is something I haven't done in a long time) Most of the time, I dislike the building and painting process, it is merely a means to an end, which is to get them on the table, but not so with these guys. I'm actually having FUN building and converting!
- Played a game of the DC Deckbuilder as Nightwing, killing 6 of 8 villains and winning the game.
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